Thursday, 24 September 2009

14th & 15th September 2009

Well sorry folks.
Bloggers taken a mind all of its own again!
Iain actually wanted a row of 4 pictures down the right so he could put appropriate text in on the left, but Bloggers decided to do its own wierd thing! If anyone's got any idea of how to sort this problem then please let us know.
Iain found himself working in Borrowdale on these dates with a lady called Kathryn Telford who, having a few weeks off work decided that she fancied a few days rock climbing in the Lake District. Kathryn experienced difficulty finding someone to take her out climbing on her own and if you find yourselves with that problem don't hesitate to contact us.
Anyway Iain was available and, as Kathryn fancied some easy-ish multi-pitch mountain routes, suggested climbing in Borrowdale on Raven Crag and on Gillercombe Buttress.
The above pictures show Kathryn whilst climbing on Raven Crag Buttress - a 4 pitch VDiff. Iain led most of the piches but gave the lead to Kathryn on one occasion as well as doing lots of teaching en route. The weather was dry but a cold N Easterly wind made hanging around for any length of time on stances a tad uncomfortable.
Having completed this route Iain & Kathryn attempted a number of other less popular routes only to find them green, slimy and heavily vegetated with no sign of any recent climbing giving rise to the view that only the classic routes on the crag are still receiving any attention from climbers.

Anyway, the next day was started early and the weather was much better. We were at the foot of Gillercombe Buttress by 09:30 and the classic 7 pitch severe sharing that name was just warming up nicely. Iain led all pitches and Kathryn thoroughly enjoyed the route. Following that we moved right on to Grey Knotts Face - a 5 pitch Diff with a surprisingly difficult second pitch involving a tight squeeze up behind a detached slab. Iain couldn't get through it (he's not fat!) and so an alternative was found to this bit. Another two pitches up and it was 16:30 and time to be getting off. Of the two pictures above, the left hand one shows Kathryn traversing off the second route and the right hand one is enjoying the sunshine on the last pitch of Gillercombe Buttress.
A most pleaseant two days work!

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