Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Corporate Team Building Events in The Lake District. Ghyll Scrambling. August 28th 2014.

Our final post from August 2014 concerns one of our corporate clients - Nucleargraduates.

Nucleargraduates have been using our services since 2011 to provide Ghyll Scrambling as a means to facilitate a development in relationships between groups of graduate apprentices who have individually, been successful in securing a sponsored apprenticeship within the Nucleargraduates 2 year Apprentice Programme.

The group seen here is the final intake for the 2014 cohort.

Nucleargraduates came to us initially looking for an activity which would impell these successful graduates into working together and getting to know each other better.

Everyone in this group had come together for the first time, the previous evening in Kendal. All of them will be working together ( often in pairs for the same sponsor organisation) as they move around those various sponsor organisations over the next two years.

Impelling them all together in a ghyll Scrambling Session has proven to be successful as a way in which to get them to work together more comfortably and helps to set the scene for the next two years
So what do we do? We provide the setting for the session to take place and make sure that all of these young people are properly equipped for that session.

Ghyll Scrambling must seem like quite a daunting activity for any person to try of their own accord - "Get into a freezing cold stream & walk up it? What"! But actually, it can be a lot of fun!

After a safety briefing, our instructors will largely let the group get on with it - only stepping in if safety becomes questionable or they consider that the group could, in some way, be working better together. Photo three shows the sort of outcome that both we & our client want to see - a happy, well bonded team. looking after each other and getting to know each other better!

The final photograph sees a rare view of Iain doing his job on the biggest waterfall  Stickle Ghyll has to offer.

The graduates are roped up this one at a time - encouraged by Iain from above who keeps them on a tight rope whilst they climb; and by the support of their peers - waiting to take their turn at the bottom.

At this stage in the day, the weather had turned windy and there was nearly as much water being blown back up the waterfall as was falling down it!

All of this particular intake of graduate apprentices thoroughly enjoyed their session and had "gelled" together as a group much better - as Iain could see that evening when he was very kindly invited to enjoy a meal and share a social occasion with them in Kendal.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of the 2014 cohort every success with their apprenticeships and beyond and would like to thank Nucleargraduates for their continued custom.

If you would like a corporate Team Building Event arranging and designed against specific objectives for your business then contact us to arrange a bespoke event for you. You'll be surprised at what we can offer!

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