Jay Keshur booked this multi-activity day with

Kendal Mountaineering Services for himself and his family & friends whilst on a weekend of training here in the Lake District - before they all head off to Africa to climb Kilimanjaro.
The party had decided to do a half day abseiling session first, followed by some canoeing & kayaking. Since they were travelling from near Kendal, Iain arranged the abseiling session to be at Cathedral Quarry in Langdale and for the canoeing & kayaking to be done on Windermere at Waterhead, Ambleside, where there would be scope for learning both some flatwater & moving water skills.
Iain met the group at Skelwith Bridge and took them to Cathedral Quarry where he rigged the short abseil which even though it is only 40 feet in height can be quite challenging - particularly when some of the party had not abseiled for some time. Here, Raxa descends the abseil first of all and she did really well.

We had six members of the party for the half day abseiling session. Raxa has just done the abseil and waiting to take their turn are (left to right) Jay, Tara, Dhilan, Reena & James.
Everyone had two goes at this shorter abseil before we moved on to the higher more challenging of the two abseils to be found at Cathedral Quarry.

The third shot shows James about to descend the long slab on the big abseil at Cathedral. This abseil is at least 3x higher than the other and is a very popular one - used regularly by all manner of groups seeking an adrenaline rush.
One descends this slab for about 90 feet before dropping over an overhang and finishing the last 40 feet or so free hanging. Eveyone found this more challenging - but thoroughly exhilarating. Whilst each person abseiled at their own speed on the white rope Iain belayed them from above - connected to them by the red rope.
This is essential as, if James had let go of the abseiling rope with his controlling (right) hand, he would have plumetted out of control down the slab. However
by being attached to Iain via the red rope - he was
secure at all times; and this must always be the case when abseiling.

Well, after three abseils each, the morning had disappeared and we were into afternoon activity session time.
After a short drive to Waterhead and some lunch, the party were ready to get
on the water and had been joined by Parisa (left) and Kresimir (dark glasses) for the afternoon Canoeing & kayaking session.
As can be seen, everyone was ready & raring to go! They were all properly kitted out for the session - wearing wetsuits, fleeces, cagoules, bouyancy aids and helmets - just in case we got on to moving water. Here at Kendal Mountaineering Services, we always do our best to make sure you are kitted out as appropriately as you can be for any of our full or half day activity sessions - and you can be sure that all of the kit is provided as part of your fee. We don't do hidden extras!

In this final shot, the group relax for a moment whilst on the river flowing into Windermere at Waterhead. It hadn't all been plain sailing due to the fresh northerly wind blowing on to us from the hills in the distance and some of the girls had struggled getting to grips with paddling a canadian canoe together whilst the wind did it's best to push them into the middle of Windermere!
But, with a but of perseverance, everyone had a good time and they all enjoyed their half day
abseiling &
kayaking session here in the Lake District with
Kendal mountaineering Services.
It must be mentioned that this weekend away for the group was part of a training plan to climb Kilmanjaro to raise money for the charity Gift of hope trust ltd who are building a school for homeless & orphaned children in India. You can visit their website
here for more information and should you wish to sponsor Jay & the rest of his party you can do so via
Kendal Mountaineering Services have pledged £20 + £5.64 tax relief to this worthwhile cause and if you read this blog post perhaps you may wish to follow suit. Anyway, Iain wishes the team the very best of luck both with their ascent of Kilimanjaro and the raising of funds.
The rest of the photographs from this multi-activity day can be viewed